Packaging for Debian GNU/Linux

The packaging/deb directory contains debian packaging of temBoard agent from released tarball on PyPI.

Building and uploading

The all target builds packages for every supported distributions while push targets run dput on the latest .changes. Once you have setup your host for building, just run:

make all push

You may be prompted for a passphrase to open your private key. The packages are stored in dist/ at the root of the project.


Package building requires Docker and Docker Compose for isolation. For signing, you need the devscripts package and a GPG private key. For uploading, you require dput.

sudo apt install devscripts dput

Ensure dput is configured to send to Dalibo Labs APT repository with the configuration named labs.

Now, export your full name and email address in DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL env vars before building the packages. The maintainer field of the package is formatted as $DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>.

debsign signs .changes with the GPG signature matching the maintainer field $DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>.


First, run docker container for interactive usage:

docker-compose run --rm stretch /bin/bash

If you get no output just after the run, type ENTER or CTRL+L to redraw.

Top srcdir is mounted as /workspace/ and dist/ is mounted as /dist/. Just call /workspace/packaging/deb/ to build debian package from PYPI. Use FROMSOURCE=1 to build the package from source tree.

Once you quit the shell, the container is destroyed.